Milestone Birthdays - MySpace Birthday Milestone Comments

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hi friends! Hope you guys had a great time on April Fools Day! I had a blast. Today I'll share with you the distinct experience I had when an uncle of mine celebrated his milestone birthday at fifty years. He was so happy and the glint in his eyes spoke of the new feeling of vitality beneath.

Milestone birthdays are distinct landmarks in a person's life because they signify the end of a period and the beginning of another. People celebrating their milestone birthdays get a new lease of life because they realize simultaneously that they have come a long way and they also have long way to go.

Wish your friends and family on their milestone birthdays. You can also wish the parents of a new-born on their first birthday. Click away on these milestone birthday comments to reach out your warm wishes.

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posted by Dave Richards at 12:36 AM, |